PowerShell Core 6.0 Released

PowerShell Core 6.0 has been released thanks to the hard work of the PowerShell Team. It is a stripped down version of PowerShell that runs cross-platform. That means PowerShell for Linux, MacOS, and even ARM based devices. All new development will go into PowerShell Core so it is time to jump on the bandwagon and get involved.

If you run into issues make sure to report them. If you’re interested in proposing big changes check out the PowerShell-RFC to submit your ideas or drop by the Community Call.


Here is a quick script to install the x64 version of PowerShell Core on a Windows box. This uses Jeff Hick‘s PSReleaseTools and a little trick using Invoke-Item.

Install-Module PSReleaseTools
$DownloadURL = Get-PSReleaseAsset -Family Windows |
    Where-Object { $_.Format -eq 'MSI' -and $_.Filename -like "*x64*" }
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL.url -OutFile "~\Downloads\$($DownloadURL.FileName)"
Invoke-Item ~\Downloads\$($DownloadURL.Filename)


Make sure to checkout the PowerShell AMA in celebration of PSCore going GA! It starts January 11th at 9:00 AM PT. Have your questions answered by the inventor of PowerShell.